Guide to Online Services (RMS Contractors)

DHA manages a panel of approximately 800 contractors via the Residential Maintenance Services (RMS) panel, which provides routine maintenance and emergency repair services to the DHA housing portfolio across approximately 40 trades. Contractors are required to communicate electronically through Online Services to receive, manage, complete and invoice the works allocated to them.

Online Services is a 24/7 web-based system available for DHA's customers and business partners to interact electronically with DHA. This user guide has been developed to guide contractors through the use of Online Services.

Through Online Services, contractors have the facility to access:

  • My Account
  • Work
  • Invoicing
  • WHS Details
  • My Details
  • Search
  • Contractor Resources
  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) results

Go to and click on Online Services.

Logging in

Your login details will be sent to you by DHA or you can contact DHA on 139 342.

When you click on the Online Services icon, you will be taken to the login page:

  • Your username is the email address your company previously provided to DHA.
  • An email notification is automatically sent when your company is set up as a DHA business partner in Online Services. This email will provide you with a temporary password that you will be prompted to change on your first login.

Forgotten Password

  • If you have forgotten your password, select the Forgotten your password link. This will prompt you to type in your username and elect to receive an SMS or email notification.
  • Once the option has been selected, click Reset Password. You will then receive an email/SMS based on what you have selected. 


  • You will receive a notification email
  • Open the email then click on the link, this will then direct you to the Change Password page.
  • Enter your new password and click Confirm.


  • A confirmation PIN is received via SMS
  • In the link, enter in the SMS Confirmation PIN and you will be directed to the Change Password screen. Please note that the Confirmation PIN is only valid for 15 minutes from receipt. After this time, you will need to use the link again to obtain a new one.

If you have forgotten your username, please contact DHA on 139 342.

Your Dashboard will be displayed after successful login:


This provides an overview of information used to manage DHA work requests.

From your Dashboard, you can navigate to:

  • Work
    • All Work
    • Work Bundles
    • Quotes
  • Invoicing
    • Work Items Awaiting Invoicing
    • Reval Items Awaiting Invoicing
    • Work Bundles Awaiting Invoicing
    • Non-Invoiceable Work Items Awaiting Completion
    • Invoices Approved and Awaiting Payment
    • Invoices Awaiting Approval by DHA
  • WHS Reports
    • WHS Reports and report history
    • WHS Reviews
  • My Details
    • My Contact Details
    • My Insurance Details
    • My DHA Contract
    • My Availability
    • My Performance Reports
  • Search
    • Work Items
    • Invoiced Items
    • Quoted Items
  • Contractor Resources - view latest news and contractor information
  • My Account
    • Change my password
    • Change my username
    • View my notifications
    • Manage my delegates

Please note:

  • Work Items that are overdue for booking will appear as a yellow highlighted ribbon at the top of your screen
  • Work Items that are overdue for invoicing will appear as a yellow highlighted ribbon underneath Work Items overdue for booking
  • A link at the end of the ribbon will direct you to a screen detailing the work items that are overdue
  • Other important information such as WHS Reviews and Expired Insurances will also display at the top of the screen in this way.

By clicking on the My Account button on your Dashboard, you will have access to:

  • Change my password
  • Change my username
  • View my notifications (such as insurances required and DHA requests for tender etc.)
  • Manage my delegates

Sharing Access

If your company requires more than one login, you can share your access with others by clicking on the My Account button on your Dashboard. 

  • Click on Manage my delegates in the drop down list. Please note that you will not have any registered delegates when you are sharing access for the first time
  • Click on the Create delegation button
  • Click on the Share My Access box to allow your delegate to perform all functions in Online Services which relate to you as a contractor. Alternatively, click on Assign Work which will allow you to assign work items to a delegate for completion
  • Enter the email address of the delegate you wish to share access with and create your own Confirmation Key
  • Make a record of the Confirmation Key, as your delegate will be required to enter this value when they choose to accept your request.

Work items and Quotes Required lists have the options to sort and filter the items to assist you with planning and prioritising.

Maintenance Quotes

Quotes Required can be sorted by columns that have a heading with an underline.

Eg. ID, Response Required by, Address and Postcode

Click on the heading to change the order of the items (ascending or descending).

Both the Suburb and Work Type columns have a Filtering function. Click on the heading for the drop down menu to display, and make a selection for the results to update.

Work items (New work, Awaiting Booking, Scheduled Work and Awaiting Completion)

Work items can be sorted by columns that have a heading with an underline.

Eg. ID, Address, Postcode, Booking required, Target Start and End etc.

Click on the heading to change the order of the items (ascending or descending).

Both the Suburb and Instructions columns have a Filtering function. Click on the heading for the drop down menu to display and make a selection for the results to update.

DHA will request quotes from time to time. Quotes are a request from DHA for you to provide the cost of the work based on the scope of works and property details. Where DHA has requested a quote, it will appear on your Dashboard under Quotes Required.

After clicking on a Quote Work Item, you will be taken to an overview screen for the scope of works.

You will be provided with the:

  • property address
  • access details
  • scope of works
  • maintenance time frame
  • option to print or download the quote to PDF.

When you have finished reviewing the scope of works, you can either submit a quote or choose to decline.

Decline a quote

Should you choose not to quote for the scope of works, select Decline. You will be prompted to enter a reason from the drop down list for declining the quote request.

There are the four options available when declining a quote:

  • Time frame restrictions
  • Scope too large
  • Scope too small
  • Scope not to skill set

Submit a quote

To submit a quote, enter an appointment time and save (where applicable). Click on Submit Quote when you have finalised your details.

You will then need to provide:

  • Quotation amount
  • Comments
  • Contractor reference (optional) and
  • Additional documents if required.

Once you have completed all the required details and uploaded any attachments, click on Confirm to submit the quote, or Cancel if you have changed your mind.

See Key Performance Indicator - Maintenance Quotes (second last drop down).

When DHA allocates work to you, it will appear on the New Work tab on your Dashboard. The number next to New Work denotes how many new work items have been assigned to you.

Click on the work item you would like to view. This will direct you to a screen displaying an overview of the work item details.

It is important to note that once the work item has been viewed, it will then display in the Awaiting Booking tab.

Work bundles

Work Bundles allow DHA to group together multiple work items in the same maintenance area, providing you with the opportunity to submit a quote for the package of works. DHA will review all quotes submitted by contractors, and allocate all work items within the Work Bundle to the successful contractor. New requests will appear on the Available Work Bundles tab. The All Work Bundles tab will display previously quoted Work Bundles.


For available work bundles that require a quote submission, click on the Available Work Bundles tab and then select the appropriate bundle reference number under ID. This screen will provide you with an overview of the Work Bundle, including:

  • Work type
  • Summary of the number of maintenance items and number of properties
  • Time frame
  • Submission required by date
  • Status

To see more detail on each job, click on the relevant Maintenance Item ID reference number.

Once you have reviewed the Work Bundle request you can:

  • Submit an Amount for Evaluation or
  • Decline the Work Bundle quote request.

Decline a Work Bundle

Should you decline the Work Bundle quote request, you will be prompted to provide a reason for this decision from the drop down box.

There are five options available when declining the Work Bundle quote request:

  • No capacity
  • Scope not to skill set
  • Scope too large
  • Time frame restrictions
  • Unable to provide discount

Select your reason and click Withdraw.

Submitted quotes for time and materials (T&M) or percentage discount off schedule of rates (SORs) can be entered and changed at any time, up until the close of business of the Work Bundle Submission Required By date.

Submitting a quote for a Work Bundle

Should you choose to submit a quote, you will be prompted to enter a total amount for the Work Bundle.


You may be requested to enter a discount percentage off your current rates that you have previously provided to DHA.

Please remember that if you have previously submitted a quote for a Work Bundle, you still have the opportunity to change this quote up until the Submission Required By date. After this date, DHA will review the submission and issue the Work Bundle to the successful contractor.

Once satisfied with your submission, click on Submit Amount or select Cancel if you change your mind.

See Key Performance Indicator - Maintenance Quotes (second last drop down).

To action a work item that has been assigned to you, click on the relevant Work Item under the New Work tab. If you have already viewed the work item, it will appear under the Awaiting Booking tab.

To view full details of a Work item, click on the Work Item ID.

This will provide an overview of the following information:

  • Scope of Works
  • Schedule Details:
    • Booking required by
    • Target start date
    • Target completion date
  • Booking Details
  • Property Access Details including the occupants contact details
  • Attachments (where applicable, relevant documents will be included)
  • Contact Attempts - this section allows you to record the various attempts made to secure an appointment with the occupant
  • Property Floor Plan

You also have the opportunity to print or download this information to PDF.

Booking Details

An attempt to contact the occupants must be made prior to the Booking Required By date detailed under the Schedule Details section. You will have 48 hours (from the time of the work allocation) to attempt to contact the occupant.

  • Once you have arranged a time with the occupant, enter these details in the Booking Details section
  • Should you be unable to contact the occupants, select the most relevant option from the drop down box in the Contact Attempts section, and record your attempt. When an occupant is unable to be contacted after three attempts, the work item will be redirected to DHA for further action.
  • Do not forget to click the Save Appointment button when all details have been entered. Please note that entering a Contractor Reference is not a mandatory requirement.
  • This appointment date and time will also be featured in the Defence Members Online Services dashboard for their reference.

Once you have entered the Booking Details or the Contact Attempts, please click on Next Awaiting Booking at the bottom right (where applicable).

Once booked, all work items will appear under the Scheduled Work tab.

Vacant Property Maintenance

When a work item has been scheduled for completion during a period in which the property will be vacant, the Property Access Details field of the work item will display the Lockbox location and PIN, to allow you access to the vacant property. Where a Defence Member is occupying or vacating between the target start and end date of the work item, the relevant contact details will also display. When booking the work item, ensure you confirm the correct occupant details for the required booking date and contact accordingly, or schedule the work for a time in which the property will be vacant.

See Key Performance Indicator - Maintenance Booked (second last drop down).

Once works have been completed at the property, the work item will need to be completed through your Online Service account.

These jobs will appear in the Awaiting Completion tab on the main dashboard. The number next to Awaiting Completion denotes how many jobs are awaiting completion.

Once you identify the job that has been completed, click on the corresponding Work Item ID. You can the view details of the works completed in the Scope of Works.

Click on the Work Completed button located at the bottom right. You will then be required to enter details for the works completed prior to invoicing the work item.

For time and materials (T&M) jobs, enter details including:

  • Time spent on the job in hours and minutes
  • Total cost of materials
  • Any attachments (optional)
  • Any further actions required.

For SOR jobs, you will be required to enter details including:

  • Any attachments (optional)
  • Any further actions required.

New or Replacement Fixtures or Fittings

Where the work is for the installation of a new, or the replacement of an existing fixture or fitting, and there are warranties and other associated important information associated with with the fixture or fitting, the relevant fields will display for updating.

The following requirements are mandatory to ensure we have all the necessary information relevant to the fixture or fitting warranty:

  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Serial Number
  • Capacity (where applicable)
  • Install Warranty Period
  • Manufacturer Warranty Period

The warranty start dates will default to the completion date entered.

The proof of purchase must also be attached prior to proceeding to invoicing. Please also attach any other associated documentation relevant to the work completed.

If the manufacturer is not available from the drop down list, select *Manufacturer not listed from bottom of the list.

In order for us to capture the warranty information for this fixture and add this manufacturer to our database, please ensure that the details associated with the warranty are then entered into the further actions required field and the Proof of Purchase is attached, using attachment type Warranty Item. You can then select the Complete Work button.

Please note: Selecting the Complete Work button does not automatically generate an invoice to DHA. You must complete the invoicing component separately as described in the next section.

See Key Performance Indicator - Maintenance Completion (second last drop down).


When processing an invoice, you will be invited to complete a series of Yes/No questions relating to WHS issues that may have been identified while completing the work(s). We will ask you to identify the `Issues', `Actions Taken' and `Further Recommended Actions'.

On completion of the invoicing process, you are invited to confirm the work undertaken was completed in a safe and compliant manner, and workplace incidents were reported to DHA.

Once works have been completed at the property, you can proceed to the invoicing stage.

On your dashboard, select the Invoicing tab.

The screen will then display:

  • Work Items Awaiting Invoicing
  • Reval Items Awaiting Invoicing
  • Work Bundles Awaiting Invoicing
  • Non-Invoiceable Work Items Awaiting Completion
  • Invoices Approved and Awaiting Payment
  • Invoices Awaiting Approval by DHA

You can invoice for more than one work item at a time by selecting the relevant boxes for work items that you want to create an invoice for.

Once selected click Invoice Now.

You will then be prompted to enter relevant details for the work items you have selected to be invoiced. If you have selected multiple invoices, click the Next button and complete all details where required.

Please note that for T&M work items, the completion date and time will pre-populate based on the appointment details. These details will display irrespective of whether you have completed the Work Completed process described in the previous section. You will be required to enter how long you spent on the job and any material costs incurred before proceeding to Invoice Confirmation. For SOR work items, all details will pre-populate for you.

Where the work is for the installation of a new or a replacement of an existing fixture or fitting, and there are warranties associated with the fixture or fitting, the warranty entry fields will display for updating. These details will only be required where you haven't already entered them during the Complete Work stage detailed above.

Note that the Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Capacity (where applicable), Install Warranty Period and Manufacturer Warranty Period are mandatory requirements to ensure we have all the necessary information relevant to the fixture or fitting warranty. The warranty start dates will default to the completion date. The proof of purchase will also be required to be attached prior to proceeding to invoicing. Please also attach any other associated documentation relevant to the work completed.

If the manufacturer is not available from the drop down list, select the *Manufacturer Not Listed option from the drop down list and enter the relevant warranty information in the Further Actions Required field before selecting the Proceed to Invoice Confirmation button.

If you are opting to attach an invoice, you are required to enter an Invoice Number and attach the invoice by clicking on the Select file to upload. You can also upload additional files for each work item you have included in the invoice.

Please note that you must ensure that the information provided in your invoice matches the invoicing details you provided in Online Services.

Once finalised, click Submit Invoice.

The status of this invoice will then progress to awaiting approval and will appear under the Invoices Awaiting Approval by DHA field under the Invoicing tab.

Once approved by DHA this invoice will progress through to the Invoices Approved and Awaiting Payment status.

See Key Performance Indicator - Maintenance Invoicing (second last drop down).


When processing an invoice, you will be invited to complete a series of Yes/No questions relating to WHS issues that may have been identified while completing the work(s). We will ask you to identify the `Issues', `Actions Taken' and `Further Recommended Actions'.

On completion of the invoicing process, you are invited to confirm the work undertaken was completed in a safe and compliant manner, and workplace incidents were reported to DHA.

The My Details tab provides you access to view and update your:

  • Contact details
  • Insurance details
  • DHA contract
  • Availability

Should you wish to view or change any of your current details, please go to My Details tab on the dashboard and select from the drop down options.

Update your Contact Details

This screen allows you to add and update your contact details held by DHA. You can also set your preference to receive email and SMS notifications for work allocated to you by DHA.

Please note that the email address is the address you provided when tendering for your contract. Please contact DHA on 139 342 if your email address requires changing.


To change any details click on My Contact Details, update the information and click Submit.

Managing your Insurance

To manage your insurance details please click on My Insurance Details from the dashboard.

This screen allows you to view and update your current Public Liability and Workers Compensation/Income Sickness Protection insurance details. While you are contracted with DHA, you must maintain current insurance policies.

To update or attach documentation click the Edit button then Save.

Please note that it is a requirement of your contract with DHA to maintain and display current insurance documentation in Online Services.

If you are a Sole Trader and not required to have Workers Compensation insurance, please contact DHA to complete a declaration form.

Failure to maintain and display this information will see DHA prohibit the allocation of work items until rectified.

Viewing your DHA Contract

Should you wish to view your current contract, please go to My DHA Contract under the My Details tab on the dashboard.

Click on the PDF file under the Executed Contract column.

Please note that you can also view and filter your rates for each maintenance area and trade in this screen.

Managing your Availability

In the event that you are unavailable to undertake any work for DHA for a specified period of time, please update My Availability under the My Details tab on the dashboard.

You can now enter the start and end dates of when you are unavailable. These dates can also be completed for when you have a:

  • Reduced capacity
  • Reduced coverage of DHA Maintenance Areas
  • Reduction in types of work that can be undertaken.

You can only amend your availability for a period of 28 days or less. Please contact DHA if you have pre-existing work items that require completion during your amended availability period or need to extend your unavailability beyond 28 days.


When processing an invoice, you will be invited to complete a series of Yes/No questions relating to WHS issues that may have been identified while completing the work(s). We will ask you to identify the `Issues', `Actions Taken' and `Further Recommended Actions'.

On completion of the invoicing process, you are invited to confirm the work undertaken was completed in a safe and compliant manner, and workplace incidents were reported to DHA.

Recalls are work items that require the contractor to return to a property and complete the scope of works as detailed in the original work item. You cannot invoice for Recalls – only the original work item can be invoiced.

A recall is identified on the dashboard under the New Work or Awaiting Completion tab, under Instructions.

See Key Performance Indicator - Quality Score (second last drop down).

Work Health and Safety (WHS) Reports

This page will provide details on

  • WHS Reports
  • WHS Reviews
All incidents including near misses must be reported to DHA on 139 342 or An Incident Report Form can be accessed from the Contractor Resources tab on the Dashboard.

Please email if you require any information relating to a reported incident or relevant corrective or preventative actions.

WHS Reviews

WHS reviews are visible under the WHS tab on the main dashboard. You will receive an email notification to your linked email address when a WHS review has been initiated.

You will also see a yellow notification ribbon appear on the main dashboard when you login, alerting you to the requirement for a review.

This must be completed and submitted for evaluation to the DHA WHS team along with all supporting documentation by the required due date.

Once completed, these reviews will be visible in your online services account under the WHS tab - WHS Reviews. You will be able to view the status of your submission at any stage by checking under this tab.

Following approval by the DHA WHS team, the completed reviews are available under the WHS tab – WHS Reviews. These records provide you with an audit trail of your previous WHS reviews and will assist with the proactive management of your WHS status.

Should the DHA WHS team identify any concerns with your submission; an additional field will appear on the main dashboard indicating you have WHS Reviews Requiring Action. Click on the WHS ID link and an alert will appear in blue outlining the issue and required actions, including a revised due date for submission.

WHS reviews are periodical and may be conducted at time of tender, every 18 months, following a business structure change or during a job audit campaign.

The Search function allows you to search for:

  • Work, Invoiced or Quoted Items
  • Appointment Date - Start
  • Appointment Date - End
  • Street Address
  • Suburb
  • Work Item ID
  • Contractor Reference

My Performance Reports allows you to view your current and past quarterly results against the Contractor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Meeting KPIs

Maintenance Booked

KPI Minimum standard: 95% of MITMs for Routine Maintenance are booked or the tenant contacted within 48 hours of receipt of the MITM

Contractors are required to contact the tenant within 48hours of receiving a MITM from DHA and record this contact in your online portal.

Suggestion for improvement: Ensure that the tenant has been contacted within 48hours of the MITM being allocated to the portal. Should you be unable to contact the occupants, select the most relevant option from the drop down box in the Contact Attempts section, and record your attempt. When an occupant is unable to be contacted after three attempts, the work item will be redirected to DHA for further action.

Maintenance Completion

KPI Minimum standard: 95% of MITMs for routine maintenance are satisfactorily completed within the target start and target end dates.

When a MITM is raised to you, it contains a timeframe in which work must be completed. This called the MITM Target Start and Target End dates. If an MITM is completed outside of this period, the KPI will not be met.

Suggestion for improvement: Once works have been completed at the property, the work item will need to be completed through your Online Service account. These jobs will appear in the Awaiting Completion tab on the main dashboard. If the works are unable to be completed within the Target

Maintenance Invoicing

KPI Minimum standard: 95% of MITMs for routine maintenance completed have been invoiced within 7 days of completing the MITM

Contractors are required to provide an invoice for the relevant MITM to DHA via your Online Service account within 7 days of the appointment date.

Suggestion for improvement: Invoicing will need to be complete within 7 days of the MITMs completion. The completion of the works is measured from the 'Appointment' or 'Booking' date entered by the contractor. If your appointment date changes, ensure this is updated on the portal accordingly.

Maintenance Quotes

KPI Minimum standard: 90% of quote request for routine maintenance have been responded to or declined by the Quote Required by Date.

Contractors are required to submit or decline any requested quote via your Online Service account prior to the due date (ie the Quote required by date). Failure to respond to the request will result in a failed KPI.

Suggestion for improvement: The Maintenance Quote KPI requires a contractor to submit the quote for evaluation or decline before the required by date. If you are unable to quote within the required by dates you can decline the quote on the portal rather than allowing the quote request to expire with ‘No Response’.

Quality Score

KPI Minimum standard: 95% of MITMs completed have not been recalled due to substandard, non-compliant or incomplete work.

Contractors are required to complete work to a high quality, you will be required to re-attend to resolve any substandard work, this KPI measures how frequently this occurs.

Suggestion for improvement: If you believe a recall has been issued that is not valid, contact DHA on 139342 to discuss. Recalls are able to be amended if they have not been completed on the portal. If a job has been attended to that requires further works, ensure that this is communicated to DHA via a phone call or by adding the details to the ‘Further Actions Required’ when invoicing. This will assist to prevent recalls for incomplete works.

Contractor Resources provides a link to further information for DHA Contractors.