Receiving Rent Allowance

Policy relating to Rent Allowance (RA) is determined by the Department of Defence and is outlined on the ADF Pay and Conditions site.

Your work and personal circumstances are the grounds by which RA benefits and calculations are determined. Any changes need to be notified to DHA to determine your continued eligibility for a housing benefit.

Whilst in receipt of a subsidised housing benefit you are required to advise DHA of any changes as soon as practicably possible after the change has occurred. Delays may result in a debt owed to Defence. Supporting documentation may also be required and must be submitted promptly after notifying DHA of a change. This will ensure that any assessment of your housing benefit can be completed in a timely manner.

Change Type

How to notify DHA

Required Documents

Categorisation change

Defence will notify DHA


Rank change

Defence will notify DHA


Period of approved leave without pay

Defence will notify DHA


Work Unit

Update via ‘View/Update Tenancy Details’ in Online Services.

Posting Signal

Rent amount

Update via ‘View/Update Tenancy Details’ in Online Services.

Current Lease from your Real Estate/Landlord or an Owner/Member Statement (PDF 487KB) in lieu of a lease.

Sharing Occupants

Update via ‘View/Update Tenancy Details’ in Online Services.


Purchase or Sale of an owned property

Go to ‘My Account’ then‘My Profile’ in Online Services.

Contract of Sale

Lease expiry date

Update via ‘View/Update Tenancy Details’ in Online Services.


Furniture Rental

Update via ‘View/Update Tenancy Details’ in Online Services.

Furniture Rental Contract

Garaging Allowance

Update via ‘View/Update Tenancy Details’ in Online Services.

Garaging Contract can be submitted in an Online Enquiry via Online Services.


Update via ‘View/Update Tenancy Details’ in Online Services.


Separation from spouse or partner

Submit an enquiry via Online Services.


Visitor staying for more than 5 weeks

Submit an enquiry via Online Services.

Visitor Notification form (PDF 285KB)

It is important that you inform DHA of your intention to purchase a property as soon as you have signed a contract of sale as your RA may be affected. We will assess the property for suitability in accordance with PACMAN Chapter 7 Parts 2 and 3.

You can advise us of your purchase via Online Services by selecting 'My Account' then ‘My Profile’.

If the property is assessed as not suitable, your RA won’t change.

If the property is assessed as suitable, you will be eligible for RA until either of these dates (whichever happens first):

  • 1 week after settlement
  • 3 months after the date the contract was signed

You can apply to have utility costs reimbursed if you are categorised as:

  • A member who has unaccompanied resident family (URF) and no resident family or recognised other persons.
  • A submariner who has no resident family (MBR) and no-recognised other persons

The maximum benefit you can claim is advised in PACMAN Chapter 7 Part 10

You can request a utility reimbursement via your dashboard or 'My Account' in Online Services for the following invoice types:

  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Garbage/Sewage
  • Gas Bottle
  • Water Tank Refill

Document Requirements

  • Each request must include one invoice and its corresponding receipt of payment.
  • For multiple reimbursements, a new request must be submitted for each.
  • Upload all pages of the invoice.
  • The usage date may also be referred to as the Billing Period. Where there are separate periods shown on invoice, enter the earliest date and latest end date.

Please note, you cannot claim the following fees. They must be deducted from the overall invoice amount:

  • Green energy
  • Late fees

Click here to view a video explaining how utility reimbursements are calculated.

Defence requires a Rent Allowance (RA) review be undertaken every year. This is to make sure everyone who receives RA is getting the amount they are eligible for. The review is conducted via Online Services.

The review occurs in the first half of the year with an email sent to all participants outlining the start date and due date of the review.

The review only takes a few minutes to complete with 9 questions to answer. For most participants, supporting documents are not required. Your Online Services dashboard will prompt you if documents are required.

If prompted to provide a current rent receipt or tenant ledger, the document must show the:

  • address of the rental property
  • amount and period of rent payment
  • name of the agent or owner you pay rent to.

If you rent privately, you can upload a signed statement from the owner or landlord. It must show all the details above. Or, complete an Owner/Member statement available on our Forms page.

Policy relating to the RA Review is outlined on the ADF Pay and Conditions site.

Who needs to participate?

You must take part in the review, unless:

  • you moved into your RA property not long before the RA Review began, or
  • you will move out of your RA property within 2 weeks after the review starts.

Can I ask someone else to complete it for me?

You can authorise another person to complete the review for you. Log in to Online Services and click 'Nominate a delegate'.

What if my rent amount has changed?

DHA will assess your review to determine if your rent allowance needs to be recalculated.

What if I make a mistake in my review questions?

If you make a mistake, raise an enquiry via Online Services'.

What happens if I do not complete the review?

If you do not provide the information by the due date, we may suspend your RA. 

What happens after I complete the review and upload my documents (if applicable)?

After we receive your completed review and supporting documents, we will assess your RA within 12 weeks. We will email you the outcome of your review including any changes to the RA amount you receive, if applicable.

Will changes in my personal circumstances affect the amount of RA I receive?

Generally, the following changes can affect your RA amount or eligibility:

  • Change in categorisation
  • Property purchase
  • Move to a new location
  • Change in how many people share with you

You can use the Rent Allowance Calculator to estimate your new RA amount.

I will be away for the period of the RA Review. Who do I inform?

If you know you’ll be away during the review, let us know by submitting an enquiry via Online Services. We’ll arrange for you to complete it before you leave.

Couldn’t find the answer you were looking for?

If you need to get in contact with us, please submit an enquiry via Online Services. If you have an urgent enquiry, you can call us on 139 342.