This report is the Board of Directors’ primary mechanism of accountability to the Parliament of Australia and has been prepared in accordance with legislative and parliamentary reporting requirements.
This report outlines DHA’s performance against stated objectives and performance measures for the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 as set out in our Corporate Plan 2016–17 to 2019–20 (Corporate Plan 2016–17) and publicly available Statement of Corporate Intent 2016–17.
Unless otherwise stated, figures and percentages are quoted to one decimal place. Figures may be rounded in some instances.
Guide to this report
Part 1
Provides a review of the year from our Chairman and Managing Director, our significant achievements and details of highlights and events.
Part 2
Provides an overview of our role, responsibilities, organisational structure, financial structure, services to Defence, services to investors and our property portfolio as at 30 June 2017.
Part 3
Contains our Annual Performance Statement and a detailed assessment of our performance in 2016–17.
Part 4
Details our management and accountability processes, including corporate governance, external scrutiny, workforce management and details of our subsidiary company, DHA Investment Management Limited (DHA IML).
Part 5
Contains our consolidated financial statements for 2016–17 (DHA and DHA IML).
Part 6
Contains appendices and reference information.
The appendices provide supplementary information on specific areas of the business, including some required under legislation.
The reference information includes a list of acronyms and abbreviations, a compliance index, a directory of our services and offices.