Defence Housing Australia

This list of requirements has been prepared in accordance with the Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act), the Public Governance Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 (PGPA Rule) and Resource Management Guide No. 136, Annual report for corporate Commonwealth entities (as published by the Department of Finance in June 2017).

Table 6.17: Annual report requirements, 2016–17



17BB Approval of annual report by the accountable authority

Detail of how and when the report was approved by the accountable authority and confirmation that the report has been prepared in accordance with section 46 of the PGPA Act

Letter of transmittal

17BD Plain English and clear design (aids to access)

Glossary [acronyms and abbreviations]

Acronyms and abbreviations

Details of contact officer


Entity’s website address


Electronic address of the annual report

Annual report

17BE Contents of the annual report


Legislation establishing the body

About us, Legislative framework


Summary of the objects and function of the entity as set out in the legislation

Legislative framework


The purposes of the entity as included in the entity’s Corporate Plan

About us, Reporting framework


Name and title of the persons holding the position of Responsible Minister (or responsible Ministers) during the period

Organisational structure, Governance structure


Any directions given to the entity during the period by a Minister under an Act or instrument during the period

Governance structure


Any government policy orders that applied in relation to the entity during the period under section 22 of the PGPA Act

Governance structure


Particulars of non-compliance if, during the period, the entity has not complied with a direction or order referred to in (e) or (f)



The Annual Performance Statements of the entity during the period in accordance with paragraph 39(1)(b) of the PGPA Act and section 16F of the PGPA Rule

Annual Performance Statement


A statement of any significant issue reported to the responsible Minister under paragraph 19(1)(e) of the PGPA Act that relates to non-compliance with the finance law

Risk Management, internal audit and compliance


If a statement is included under (i), an outline of the action that has been taken to remedy the non-compliance

Risk Management, internal audit and compliance


Information on the accountable authority, or each member of the accountable authority, of the entity during the period (includes name, qualifications, experience, the number of meetings attended and whether the member is an executive or non-executive member)

Governance structure


An outline of the organisation structure of the entity (including an subsidiaries of the entity)

About us, Organisational structure, DHA Investment Management Limited


An outline of the location (whether or not in Australia) of major activities or facilities of the entity

Organisational structure, Service and office directory


Information in relation to the main corporate governance practices used by the entity during the period

Governance structure, Planning and reporting framework, Risk management, internal audit and compliance, Procurement and consultancies


The decision making process undertaken by the accountable authority in relation to related entity transactions

Governance structure


Any significant activities and changes that affected the operations or structure of the entity during the reporting period

Chairman’s review, Managing Director’s review, Annual Performance Statement, Governance structure


Particulars of judicial decision or decisions of administrative tribunals made during the period



Particulars of any report on the entity given during the period by the Auditor-General, a Committee of either House of the Parliament, the Commonwealth Ombudsman or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

External scrutiny


If the accountable authority has been unable to obtain information from a subsidiary of the entity that is required to be included in the annual report, an explanation of the information and the effect of not having it in the report



Details of any indemnity that applied during the period to the accountable authority, a member of the accountable authority or officer of the entity against a liability


17BF Disclosure requirements for Government Business Enterprises (GBE)


An assessment of:

  1. Significant changes in the entity’s overall financial structure and financial condition during the period
  2. Any events or risks that could cause financial information that is reported not to be indicative of future operations or financial condition

Annual Performance Statement, Detailed report on performance



Dividends paid or recommended in relation to the period

Annual Performance Statement, Detailed report on performance


Details of any community service obligations


Other legislation

Work, health and safety (Schedule 2, Part 4 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 )

Workforce management, Appendix B

Advertising and market research (section 311A of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 )

Appendix D

Ecological sustainable development and environmental performance (section 516A of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 2010 )

Appendix E


Correction of material errors in previous annual reports


List of requirements
