Shareholder Ministers
The Australian Government’s interests in DHA are overseen by two Shareholder Ministers: the Minister for Defence and the Minister for Finance. As DHA sits within the Defence portfolio of the Australian Government, the Minister for Defence is our responsible Minister. The Minister for Defence may delegate responsibility for DHA operational matters to a Defence portfolio minister. In 2016–17, responsibility was delegated to the Minister for Defence Personnel. Refer to Part 4 of this report for more information about our Shareholder Ministers in 2016–17.
Board of Directors
A Board of Directors is the accountable authority of DHA under the PGPA Act and is responsible for the proper and efficient performance of our functions. All non-executive Board members are appointed by our Shareholder Ministers following approval from the Australian Government. Members have a combination of Australian Public Service (APS), ADF and commercial experience. Refer to Part 4 of this report for more information about our Board of Directors in 2016–17.
Senior leadership team
Managing Director
The Managing Director is employed by the Board and is the only executive director of the Board. The Managing Director is responsible for conducting the operational affairs of DHA in accordance with the DHA Act and any policies determined by, and directions given by, the Board. The Managing Director oversees DHA’s strategic direction, organisational structure, staff, performance and relationships with key stakeholders.
Senior Executive Group
The Senior Executive Group (SEG) assists the Managing Director to ensure DHA fulfils its role in accordance with the DHA Act. As at 30 June 2017, the SEG comprised the Managing Director and five direct reports.
Refer to Part 4 of this report for more information about the Managing Director and SEG members.
Figure 2.1 shows our organisational structure, including our links to the Australian Government, as at 30 June 2017.
Our staff and office network
Staff in our 20 regional offices deliver customer facing services to ADF members and their families and investors in capital cities and major regional centres where the ADF has a presence. They are supported by staff in four regionally-based telephone contact centres, who are the first point of contact for housing services, maintenance services and the allocation of on-base LIA.
Staff in our head office are responsible for overseeing strategic development, operational programs, corporate governance and corporate support (e.g. information technology, finance, human resources, marketing and communications). Most head office staff work in Canberra, however, the use of flexible working arrangements has enabled some staff to work in our Sydney central business district office or in one of our other regional offices.
Staff are critical to the organisation’s success. As at 30 June 2017, we employed 658 staff across Australia. Figures 2.3 to 2.6 show staff by gender, employment type, broadband classification and office type. 3
3Figures include ongoing and non-ongoing staff at their substantive classification as at 30 June 2017. They exclude inoperative staff (those on long-term leave), staff engaged through an employment agency and Board members.
Refer to Part 4 (Workforce management) and Part 6 (Appendix A) of this report for more information about our workforce.