Defence is responsible for determining ADF member pay and conditions, including their entitlement to subsidised housing. We administer Defence housing policy and provide housing solutions and related services for ADF members in accordance with service agreements with Defence. In doing so, we contribute to ADF recruitment, retention and operational goals.
Housing solutions
ADF members who do not own a suitable home in their new posting location may be eligible for housing assistance. The type of accommodation a member is eligible for depends on their rank, number, age and gender of dependants, and their posting location.
Member with Dependant (MWD) housing
Each year, Defence provides us with a forecast, known as the Defence Housing Forecast (DHF), which details the number and type of MWD service residences required for the next five years by location or DHF area. Depending on the DHF area, service residences are either classified by market rent (known as rent bands) or by property amenity.
We use the DHF to prepare a Capital Plan, which sets out the proportion of MWD housing by DHF area we can supply Defence for the next five years. It takes into account properties we own, lease, manage on behalf of Defence, intend to add to our portfolio (through development, construction, acquisition and direct leasing) and intend to dispose of from our portfolio. Consistent with previous Defence approved provisioning schedules, we generally plan to meet approximately 90 per cent of the DHF requirement. The remainder of ADF members rent accommodation privately and receive Rent Allowance (RA).
Once endorsed by the DHA Board and approved by Defence, the Capital Plan is incorporated in our Corporate Plan. It is then reviewed by Defence again and, once approved, is referred to as the Approved Provisioning Schedule. Under contractual arrangements with Defence, we must meet 99 per cent of the MWD provisioning target as set out in the approved schedule.
Member Choice Accommodation (MCA) housing
Unlike MWD housing, Defence does not provide us with a forecast of the number or type of MCA properties it requires. Defence nominates priority locations for MCA housing and a discretionary number of properties for us to provision against.
We use this information to develop a provisioning plan, which sets out the proportion of MCA housing we can supply. It takes into account properties we own, lease, intend to add to our portfolio (through construction, acquisition and leasing) and intend to dispose of from our portfolio. The plan is reviewed by Defence annually. Our ability to quickly recoup capital through the sale and lease back of MCA properties is a key consideration, as the program must be financially sustainable.
Refer to Housing portfolio and Part 3 of this report for more information about our housing portfolio and MWD and MCA provisioning in 2016–17.
Rent Allowance (RA)
When a MWD service residence or MCA property is not available at the member’s rent band classification, or if the home and grounds are not suitable for pets, an ADF member (and their family if applicable) may choose to rent through the private market.
ADF members are responsible for finding the accommodation but must engage with us (on behalf of Defence) to seek approval. We are then responsible for administering the payment of their Defence-funded RA.
Refer to Part 3 of this report for more information about RA.
Living-in Accommodation (LIA)
We manage the online booking system for approximately 41,200 Defence-owned and maintained beds across 54 Defence bases and establishments. This living-in style accommodation caters for ADF members, reservists and Defence employees who require permanent, transit, temporary and course accommodation to fulfil Defence’s operational needs.
Refer to in Part 3 of this report for more information about LIA.
Related services
Tenancy and property management
We are responsible for allocating service residences to ADF members and managing the resulting tenancy. This includes undertaking a welcome visit when the ADF member first occupies the property, conducting routine inspections of the property, providing general support throughout the posting and conducting a pre-vacation inspection before the ADF member posts to a new location.
We are also responsible for coordinating repairs and maintenance of service residences, including damage, defects and deterioration. We engage a panel of suitably qualified maintenance providers, comprising approximately 730 businesses across Australia, to deliver these services. Wherever possible, we use local providers in each region to deliver a prompt, high quality service and support local economies.
Refer to Part 3 of this report for more information about property and tenancy management and our repairs and maintenance services.
Property upgrades
On behalf of Defence, we coordinate upgrades of Defence-owned properties on-base and in regional and remote areas of Australia. Modernising the properties provides a better standard of living to ADF members and their families who tenant the properties, and extends the life span of the properties by 10–15 years.
Refer to Part 3 of this report for more information about our upgrades program.
Commonwealth Heritage Listed (CHL) properties
On behalf of Defence, we manage and conserve 61 CHL properties at ADF bases and establishments across Australia in accordance with the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. We also own 16 CHL properties and two heritage development sites. These properties are an important piece of Australia’s history, as well as the history of the ADF in defending our nation.
Refer to Part 3 of this report for more information about the management of our heritage portfolio in 2016–17.
Information technology and reporting
As the administrator of housing policy for Defence, we have designed and developed information technology platforms to effectively capture ADF member transactions and allowances, and enable ADF members, their dependants and our maintenance contractors to perform a range of tasks online. We have also worked with Defence to ensure we can supply extensive reporting to help inform their operations and decision making.
Our web based platform, Online Services, provides ADF members and their dependants with self-service capability to view information and perform a range of tasks. For example, view properties within their entitlement, reserve a property prior to posting to a new location, view their service residence’s condition report, view the status of maintenance requests, update their dependant information or apply for RA or LIA.
Refer to Part 3 of this report for more information about Online Services usage in 2016–17.
Refer to Part 4 of this report for more information about information management and systems.