As a corporate Commonwealth entity and Government Business Enterprise (GBE), Defence Housing Australia (DHA) plans and reports in accordance with the:
- Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act)
- Public Governance Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 (PGPA Rule)
- Commonwealth Government Business Enterprise Governance and Oversight Guidelines (GBE Guidelines).
We do not prepare Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) as the Australian Government does not appropriate funds directly to DHA in the Federal Budget. However, information about DHA is included in the Department of Defence’s PBS as we are part of the Defence portfolio.
Corporate Plan
DHA’s Corporate Plan 2016–17 to 2019–20 (Corporate Plan 2016–17) and publicly available Statement of Corporate Intent 2016–17 (SCI) was approved by our Shareholder Ministers in September 2016.6
6In accordance with section 16E(4) of the PGPA Rule, the DHA Board has chosen not to make our Corporate Plan publicly available to protect DHA’s commercial sensitivities. Rather, we prepare and publish a Statement of Corporate Intent (SCI) annually based on our Corporate Plan. Our SCI provides a high level, plain English overview of DHA’s key objectives and priorities for the financial year.
As set out in our Corporate Plan 2016–17, we worked to deliver two primary objectives for the Australian Government in the reporting period (refer to Figure 3.1). We set out to achieve these objectives through the fulfilment of five purposes (refer Figure 3.2). Each purpose has an associated set of performance measures, with 28 key performance indicators (KPIs) in total.

7We used the term ‘lessor’ in our Corporate Plan 2016–17 and SCI. During the year, this terminology was changed to ‘investor’. ‘Investor’ is used throughout this statement and report.
Annual Performance Statement
Our Annual Performance Statement, has been prepared in accordance with guidelines provided by the Department of Finance. It shows how we performed against the five purposes and associated 28 KPIs set out in our Corporate Plan 2016–17. Overarching analysis of our performance is set out at the end of the statement.
Where appropriate, a detailed report on our performance is included elsewhere in this report as follows:
- Purposes 1 to 4 KPIs are provided after the statement
- Purpose 5—financial related KPIs—are provided after the statement
- Purpose 5—staff related KPIs—are provided in the workforce management section in Part 4 of this report.
The detailed performance report includes commentary, charts and case studies. Where applicable, page numbers are provided in the statement for ease of reference.
The relationship between our Corporate Plan and Annual Performance Statement
Figure 3.3 sets out the relationship between reporting measures outlined in our Corporate Plan and Annual Performance Statement for 2016–17.