Defence aHousing Australia Annual Report 2014-15

Index of Annual Report requirements

The following table shows compliance with the Commonwealth Authorities (Annual Reporting) Orders 2011 issued by the former Minister for Finance and Deregulation on 22 September 2011.

Section Reporting requirement Page reference
6 Approval by Directors 89
10 Enabling legislation 64–65
11 Responsible Minister 67
12 Ministerial directions and other statutory requirements 64
Directions issued by the responsible Minister, or other Ministers 64
Government Policy Orders of the Australian Government under section 22 of the PGPA Act Nil
Government Policy Orders that apply to the corporate Commonwealth entity under section 22 of the PGPA Act Nil
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, Section 516A 30–31, 33
Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Part 4 53
Freedom of Information Act 1982 77
Privacy Act 1988 76
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 75
13 Information about Directors 69–71
14 Organisational structure and statement on governance 18, 66–68
Organisational structure of the Commonwealth authority (including subsidiaries) 18, 66–68
Location of major activities and facilities 83–84
Board committees and responsibilities 21, 167–168
Education and performance review for directors 67–68
Ethics and risk management policies 73
15 Related entity transactions 72
16 Key activities and changes affecting the authority 6–7, 21
Significant events under section 19 of the PGPA Act 6–7, 21
Operational and financial results 86–142
Key changes to state of affairs or principal activities 6–7
Amendments to enabling legislation and to any other legislation directly relevant to its operation 64–65
17 Judicial decisions and reviews by outside bodies 87–88
Judicial decisions and administrative tribunals decisions 78–79
Reports on operations by the Auditor-General, a Parliamentary committee, the Commonwealth Ombudsman or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner 78–79
18 Obtaining information from subsidiaries 83
19 Indemnities and insurance premiums for officers 72
20 Disclosure requirements for GBEs 54–60, 62, 75–77
Significant changes to overall financial structure and condition 54–60, 62
Events or risks that could cause reported financial information not to be indicative of future operations or financial condition Nil
Dividends paid or recommended 58
Community service obligations 75–77
21 Index of Annual Report requirements 158–159