Defence aHousing Australia Annual Report 2014-15

Appendix D: Work Health and Safety (WHS)

We are committed to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff, contractors and visitors. In 2014–15, we continued to focus on the management and promotion of safety at work, with ongoing enhancements to our WHS management system called Prevention First.

Incident reporting

In total, 201 incidents were reported in 2014–15. Following assessment, we confirmed that 143 were WHS incidents.

As shown in Figure 11, staff were involved in 76 incidents with nil reportable to Comcare; contractors were involved in 64 incidents, with 30% reportable to Comcare; and tenants were involved in three incidents, with nil reportable to the regulator.

Figure 11: All WHS incidents by person involved as at 30 June 2015

Figure 11 shows the number of reported and confirmed Work Health Safety incident by type, including DHA employee, contractor or tenant.

As shown in Figure 12, we recorded the highest number of reported WHS incidents in 2014–15. Despite this, our TRIFR had reduced from 17.35 to 10.04. This was an excellent result given our target was to reduce this rate by just 10%.

Figure 12: History of staff WHS incidents as at 30 June 2015

Figure 12 shows the number of reported and confirmed Work Health Safety incidents involving DHA staff from 2010—11 to 2014—15.